Wednesday, 28 February 2018

What is Depression? Signs | Causes | Treatment

What is Depression?

It is a serious medical illness, low mood disorder, A complex mind/body illness, it is a cruel disease that can affect anyone.
What is depression? Signs | Causes | Treatment

What are the signs and symptoms of depression.

Early morning wakefulness, Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, Loss of interest in daily activities, Irritability, Appetite or weight changes, Sleep changes, Anger or irritability, Loss of energy, Self-loathing, Reckless behavior, Loss of interest in things.

Depression causes

  1. Trauma,
  2. Grief,
  3. Financial troubles,
  4. Unemployment,
  5. Genetic vulnerability,
  6. Severe life stressors,
  7. Emotional abuse,
  8. And certain medications like some drugs used to treat high blood pressure, e.g beta-blockers or reserpine, can rise risk of depression.

How to fight with depression

  • Change Your lifestyle to beat depression
  • Exercise daily
  • Eat healthy and fresh food
  • Take vegetables and fruits
  • Sleep in time and get enough sleep
  • Be motivated

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